Why Pay Taxes?
2:05:00 AMKrishna RaoWhy Pay Taxes?
Why do I need to pay these useless taxes to this stupid government? God, I hate that!
That is the duty of every citizen of that country, so you gotta pay.
It’s easy for you to say that, God, you don’t have to pay any taxes.
Who says that? I too have to maintain this world and I also need funds.
You are God almighty, why would you do such a stupid thing? If you just nod your head you will get so much money.
Ha, ha! That’s exactly how a dumb cluck like you will think.
But I may be dumb but I am not sure why this government can’t print notes to pay for itself?
I am not going to give you a lesson on economics here. Let me just say that if you don’t pay your taxes then you can’t enjoy government facilities like transportation, roads, electricity, water, housing and all other things.
I should go to some other country where there are lesser taxes. That might help.
Everything looks hunky dory from outside son, but once you go there you will be a second class citizen.
You know there are advanced countries better than mine and they respect educated geniuses like me. They will offer me better living conditions. I should think of emigrating seriously.
It’s your choice. Till they think you are good enough, they will honor and respect you but once you show any inefficiency or inadequacy, you will be treated worse than their kitchen cockroaches.
I think I know what you are talking about. There are countries which make your skin color unacceptable. Religion is the root cause of thousands to be displaced. Language also becomes the root cause.
Yes, that’s right! People can find any cause to disown you. Don’t you think you are better off where you are?
You are right God! I am happy where I am. I have a house, family, friends, job, etc.. And places to go to where no one looks at my skin or religion.
Now would you agree that it is better to pay taxes and live a life of peace?
Yes! But I still have a question for you.
And what is that?
Do you know any place in this world like Cayman Islands, Switzerland or some such where I can send my money?
Yes, yes! Before you go out of this place drop it in my collection box and I will keep it safely for you.
You think I am really dumb now. I am not going to do any such thing.
See, you want job, wife, kids, houses, money, peace, happiness, travels, friends, relatives, education, health, leisure, entertainment, transportation and many other things from me and yet you crib paying me anything at all. Shame on you. You want everything free?
But you are my God, my Father and my to-go person! You can surely give me all that.
Ha, ha! You know what happens to those who avoid paying taxes, right? You want facilities, then you better pay up!
Image Credit: Pixabay